New Year's Trip - Adventure Part IV

My grandmother was spending a few weeks at our farm, so for the New Year's eve and day, my parents and I took a drive down there so that we could spend those days with her. My mom made a cake and we built a campfire even though it wasn't cold enough for one. I've also started a hashtag on Instagram where I share short (and I mean, short because they're a sentence long) stories about my trips to our village. You can find them here or just search #VillageShortStories on Instagram!

Flower Studies


This series is oh-so-cleverly called "It's really hard to take a portrait of my 7-year old cousin." 
But that doesn't make him any less cute. 

Adventures: Part III : Start of Something Real Good.

I took my Vespa on a five hour ride there and back to get some (aka the most amazing) strawberries, eat the best grilled veg sandwich ever along with a strawberry ice-cream smoothie. 

To get to Mahabaleshwar, a place known for its strawberries, poor Vespa had to cross this big moutainous range.  It was a lot of ups and downs, but Vespa did so great! Going through ghats and tunnels was absolutely scary since it was my first time driving on roads that were anything but straight. On the way back, I couldn't believe the kind of day I had. I had a million reasons to back out of this trip, but I am so glad that I didn't. I realized that this was the kind of days I want to live for. So, here's to the start of something really good!

You can check out the iPhone pics on my VSCO Grid

Travels: Part II

Back in November, my friends came to visit me. These are images from our adventure.