Making it count.

So I was at Waffle House today, and my dad gave the lady who works there a dollar to play the jukebox. She knew he likes Michael Jackson (he's a frequent there). Then after the first few songs, a man came in and sat at the table facing the stove by himself. My dad noticed that he's started to sing along with Michael, me, and the Waffle House lady. After a few minutes, when "You are not alone" came on, I saw concern on the lady's face and then I looked at what she was looking at. The man had started crying because he missed Michael. 

The point here is: for all of you who think your work doesn't matter, let me just say this: IT DOES. You may not know who it matters to, and what it means to them, AND YOU MAY NOT EVEN KNOW THEM, EVER. But isn't it worth doing something if it even makes one person feel something? So MAKE IT COUNT.

So I leave you with this: